Local authorities

Regional council of Aquitaine / AIR LIQUIDE
- Subject: Thermo-Kinetic Characterization of CO2-Impurity Pressure Systems (Nox, Ox ...) - Aqueous solution
- Managed at the LaTEP by: P. CEZAC
- Period: 2016 - 2020
Regional council of Aquitaine - LEAF
- Subject: REACHY project: REACTOR HYdrogenation of carbon dioxide - Design of a modular methanation reactor and its associated heat exchanger in the presence of a suitable catalytic system as a method of upgrading excess electricity from renewable or non-renewable sources for the local production of energy.
- Managed at the LaTEP by: F. MARIAS
- Period: 2016 - 2019
CDAPP (Conurbation committee of Pau Béarn Pyrenees) / VALEO - EPATAI
- Subject: Study of adsorption phenomena for the treatment of indoor air by a hybrid process (biofiltration, adsorption)
- Managed at the LaTEP by: C. HORT
- Period: 2016 - 2017
IRA (regional administration institute)
- Subject: Evaluation of a hybrid solar PV / AIR / WATER collector prototype
- LaTEP Manager: D. HAILLOT
- Period: 2016
Regional council of Aquitaine - FONGEOSEC
- Subject: Thermochemical characterization of multiphase electrolytic systems
under pressure: application to high energy geothermal energy - LaTEP Manager: P. CEZAC
- Period: 2014 - 2018
Grand Tarbes / CG 65
- Subject: GCMS Acquisition
- LaTEP Manager: C. HORT
- Period: 2014
Regional council of Aquitaine / CG64 Cross-border - TAICAB
- Subject: Indoor air treatment by combined adsorption-biological treatment
- LaTEP Manager: C. HORT
- Period: 2011 - 2014
Regional council of Aquitaine
- Subject: Experimental thermodynamic characterization of the CO2-NOX-SOX pressure system / aqueous solution
- LaTEP Manager: P. CEZAC
- Period: 2010 - 2014
Regional council of Aquitaine - Solar
- Subject: Production of heat, electricity or cold by thermodynamic conversion of solar energy: from the sensor to the process
- LaTEP Manager: P. STOUFFS
- Period: 2006-2010